

Samantha Donnelly


VITRINE Project Space is proud to announce its inaurgral exhibiton Compendium. A display of ornate and meticulously composed works, or sketches, created by artist Samantha Donnelly in her ongoing series using possessions and objects that are close to hand to make three-dimensional collages.

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Samantha Donnelly's works are sculptures, collages/assemblages, films and drawings investigating and/or recalling experiences of time, space and memory.  Her interest is in reconfiguring and reworking materials to produce constructions that are precarious and have a dream-like disjointedness, reflecting contemporary experience.The work offers a dynamic, complex microcosm of an event - coquettish, suggestive and intimate - balancing somewhere on the edge where constructed allure and reality meet.  Some of these components are personal, found in junk-shops, or are materials used in making Sculpture - like chavant and modeling compounds.

Each sketch has a DIY fallibility implicit through reading the components which make the whole. At the same time each work contains a relationship to monumentalism and the monolith - creating a tension between the masculine and the feminine. Each individual piece quotes from contemporary ideas of desirability / folly and places these against snippets of transience, promises and edited news photographs, referencing the Media, Advertising and Politics.  

Compendium displays these provocative works in one space for the first time together, at once uniting and juxtaposing them with one another.

Co-curators Rennard Milner and Alys Williams